Jaringan Lembaga Penyelenggara
Program BIPA

Peta Lembaga BIPA

BIPA Politeknik Negeri Medan 
BIPA Politeknik Negeri Medan 
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Jalan Almamater No. 1, Kampus USU. Padang Bulan, Medan – 20155
Telp: +62 61 8211235
Pos-el: emyna.seri@yahoo.com


POLITEKNIK NEGERI MEDAN is a State Vocational Higher Education based in Medan,  as the organizing institution welcomes all foreign students to apply for the DARMASISWA RI SCHOLARSHIP who want to study Indonesian Language or “Bahasa Indonesia and Culture” at our college. The programme commences along with the School Academic Year intake in September 2020/2021 the programmes last for 10 months. Politeknik Negeri Medan, located in the city center of Medan as the third largest city in Indonesia with the population almost 7.5 million will varieties ethnic groups and cultures that can give students fabulous life and learning xperiences during their study.

POLITEKNIK NEGERI MEDAN has varieties 6 departments and 17 study programs  (website: polmed.ac.id) with over 6,000 students will give foreign students an opportunity to practice Indonesian Language with the local students out of the regular formal class of Indonesian Language. This will accelerate foreign students learning process during their study at Politeknik Negei Medan.

POLITEKNIK NEGERI MEDAN offers students extra curricular activities such as in arts and culture (learning local dances), self defense, sports and choir.


Why must be in Medan, North Sumatera

North Sumatera province is rich with its varieties of ethnics and cultures and has many touristic resorts such as Maimon Palace, Great Masjid, Crocodile Farm, Tangkahan (Elephant Riding), Lake Toba (Samosir Island in the middle of the lake), Berastagi ( mountain area with fresh air) Bukit Lawang (National Reserves for Orang Utan), Tjong A Fie Mansion (cultural heritage), Si Piso-Piso Water Fall, Sibayak and Sinabung Vulcanoes, etc.


No Subjects Hours/Week sks
Semester 1   2
1 Menyimak 1 (Listening) 4 2
2 Berbicara 1 (Speaking) 4 2
3 Membaca 1 (Reading) 4 2
4 Menulis (Report Writing) 4 2
5 Cultural Learning (Introduction to Indonesian Cultures, Local Dances, Singing) 4 2
6 Outings (Field Trips) 4 2
Total 24 12


No Subjects Hours/Week sks
Semester 2    
1 Menyimak (Listening) 4 2
2 Berbicara (Speaking) 4 2
3 Membaca (Reading) 4 2
4 Menulis/Penelitian (Writing : Research Report Writing) 4 2
5 Cultural Learning  (Introduction to Indonesian Cultures, local dances, singing) 4 2
6 Outings (Field Trip) 4 2
Total 24 12

Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa
Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi

Kawasan Indonesia Peace and Security Center (IPSC)
Jalan Anyar Km. 4, Sukahati, Citeureup, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat
(021) 29099245